See where we are using Google Maps. Our premises are along the railway. When using a satellite navigation device we strongly recommend to using the road name »Am Bahnhof« without any house number.
You can reach us from two airports
Nearest train station is Stadtoldendorf (station number 5665) conntected with hourly trains. We will pick you up.
Deensen is fairly remote, but nevertheless reachable
from northern Germany, incl. the Hannover airport
from western Germany, incl. the Paderborn Airport
On A7 Hannover-Kassel to exit Laatzen/Pattensen,
change on B443 direction Pattensen,
change in Pattensen on B3 direction Alsfeld,
about 5 km after Elze change on B240 direction Eschershausen/Holzminden,
change in Eschershausen on B64 direction Holzminden,
after 8 km you reach »Negenborn«, turn left, direction Dassel,
after about 2 km the road ends on a crossway, turn right, direction Dassel,
after several hundred meters turn left, direction Dassel,
directly behind you reach an railway crossing,
and on the left side the entrance to »Knapp Historische Baustoffe«.
On A7 Kassel-Hannover to exit Northeim Nord,
change on B3 direction Einbeck/Alfeld,
on B3/bypass Einbeck take exit Markoldendorf/Dassel direction Dassel,
in Dassel turn right, direction Deensen/Stadtoldendorf,
you reach Deensen via Merxhausen and Heinade,
drive ahead direction Holzminden untill you reach a railway crossing Bahnübergang,
the entrance to »Knapp Historische Baustoffe« is just in front of the crossing on the right side.
On A39 from Braunschweig direction interchange Salzgitter,
at interchange Salzgitter change on A7 Hannover-Kassel direction Kassel,
to exit Seesen (Harz),
change on B64 direction Holzminden,
after about 32 km you reach Mainzholzen and afterwards Vorwohle-Lenne,
short-time afterwards turn left, direction Lenne / Stadtoldendorf,
in Stadtoldendorf follow the main road to Holzminden,
about 3 km after Stadtoldendorf and shortly before you reach Arholzen turn left direction Dassel,
directly behind you reach an railway crossing,
and on the left side the entrance to »Knapp Historische Baustoffe«.
Take the A44 Dortmund-Kassel to interchange Wünnenberg-Haaren
change on A33 direction Paderborn/Bielefeld until exit Paderborn Zentrum,
change on B64 direction Höxter and Holzminden and drive ahead direction Seesen,
about 8 km after Holzminden turn right direction Stadtoldendorf,
after about 4 km you reach Arholzen,
about 1 km after Arholzen turn right direction Dassel,
directly behind you reach an railway crossing,
and on the left side the entrance to »Knapp Historische Baustoffe«.
Produced by Thomas Borghoff, with help from Ruby Kay of Salvo.